Yu-Gi-Oh japanese full episodes (&weiss kreuz)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Hello, I simply wanted to know if any of you fine people can tell me where can I get full subbed apisodes of Yu-Gi-Oh, I want the ones that haven't been aired in America yet.

And while I'm bugging you already, another question, Does any of you know what happened to the third eppisodes of "Weiss kreuz gluhen" and "Weiss Kreuz OAV"? I have two episodes from each of them, and they both have the "next episode preview" but I can't find the next episode.

And I can't find any of them in Kazaa, any other ideas?

thanx Yuley

-- Anonymous, January 10, 2003


i don't know about Yu-Gi-HO but i have weiss kreuz gluhen and OVA on streamload. the OVA is for freeloaders but the other one is not.

-- Anonymous, January 10, 2003

There was a guy on KaZaa who had the a HUGE selection of Yu-Gi-Oh on his computer and was sharing it. I noticed because he and I were trading Ranma and Streetfighter V2 together.

Find this person and I think your problems are sorted.

Sorry, I cannot remember his username or profile. Only that it started with an 'N'. I know that does nothing to help.


-- Anonymous, January 12, 2003

vivian, Sorry to bother you with my lack of "streamload" understanding, but how can I dl things from you? I tried to find some search field of users or files and couldn't find any. help?


-- Anonymous, January 15, 2003

I wonder if you can help me find any yugioh full japanese downloads.

-- Anonymous, January 18, 2003

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