What was the cause for the ethnic succession between the Irish and the Latinos in the Mission district?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread

What was the cause for the ethnic succession between the Irish and the Latinos in the Mission district?

-- Zach Taylor (TheEb1988@msn.com), January 12, 2003


Not quite sure what you mean by "succession." You mean why did they live there? South of Market (in olden days "South of the Slot") used to be a very inexpensive place for laborers to live.

-- Rosa (rosadebon@yahoo.com), January 13, 2003.


-- me (Thetruth@jgjg.org), January 19, 2003.

It wasn't as simple as "Hate", although racism I'm sure played a part in it. The fact of the matter is that the Irish moved up the social ladder and moved to the Sunset District.

-- Katrina (KatrinaShawn@yahoo.com), April 27, 2003.

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