greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

hiyaz ppl, and obviously u know what i'm gunna say: WHERE CAN I FIND FUSIHI YUUGI EPISODES!!! kai, i've tried streamload.com, but i ran out of space to download episodes (wich totally suckz), and when i try to dl episodez from Kazaa, i get these episodes that take forever to dl, and when it'z finally done, it's something totally diffrent! GOD, i'm so pist! ppl, PLZ HELP ME!!!

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2003


I have all the Fusihigi Yuugi collector box sets. Theirs four all together. I tried to download them also once, but I gave up and just bought the things. Their pretty cheap if you go to best buy, or a place thats sells used DVD's. The series is in two small box sets. Then thers the OAV series thats in one. Now there was the new series that came out. It's in one box. If you can't get it from those stores, go to a suncoast and ask about them.

-- Anonymous, January 18, 2003

have all fy eps on www.streamload.com

-- Anonymous, January 18, 2003

I see your problem at streamload.com.... the same thing happened to be, but you have to wait at least 5 days until you can download again. Remeber! AT LEAST FIVE DAYS!

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2003

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