Comparison of two types of Evangelion video files : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I have a question for those who know the answer to this question. I know two sources to download Eva TV series: ShareReactor and Kazaa. My question is, is there any difference between files in Sharereactor and files in Kazaa? Sharereactor files are about 200mbs per episode, and Kazaa ones are 100mbs per two episodes(=50 mbs/episode). Also sharereactor ones are, I think, DVD rips. If there is little difference between two, then I will definitely choose Kazaa ones (for I can download infinitely faster).

Oh, one more question...I downloaded an Eva file from Kazaa (about 100mbs) and I can view it through DivX or Windows Media Player. If I watch through DivX, can I watch with more details and higher qualities? Any advice on this issue is appreciated. Thanx.

-- Anonymous, January 19, 2003


The different type of compression used. This should answer both questions.

-- Anonymous, January 20, 2003

uhh...what? So which one should have the better quality? I would assume you meant the 200mb one, but how far better? Also is there any difference in viewing the file with DivX and Windows Media Player?

P.S. The Kazaa versions are viewable most of the time, but whenever the screen has many red objects (like the episode inside lava) it is extremely fuzzy and I cannot recognize anything.

-- Anonymous, January 20, 2003

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