I'm in the navy and I want to become CATHOLIC!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

My name is leo and I would like to beleive ,but i's hard some times with know one to talk to. I've always wanted to go to confession but I don't even know how to begin. I want to be a good man but I'm lost. Look this is not me asking for a hand out. I'm well right now with my family. It's me that I'm worried about,and my relationship with god. If had some way of truley dealing with that on my temrs and nobody pushing me than maybe I could change. All I'm asking is the catholic church me and god to reconcile. I know this is just a message to somebody that probably gets the same thing all the time, but if you have time wright me back.


-- Leo Tomas Wilson (tomasleo777@aol.com), January 20, 2003


Response to I'm in the navy and I won't to become CATHOLIC!

Hi Leo,

I'm ex-USN. The Navy has some good chaplains. Look up your nearest Catholic chaplain and make an appointment to see him. That's what he is there for. He will give you the guidance you need to take the right steps. And if by some chance he doesn't turn out to be too helpful (there are a few bad ones in every barrel), look up the next catholic chaplain you can find. Most of them are very good, and it's worth the effort!

-- Paul (PaulCyp@cox.net), January 20, 2003.

Response to I'm in the navy and I won't to become CATHOLIC!

I was in the Navy, too. Pray for this poster, please. What he is doing takes a great deal of guts to do, surrounded as he is most of the time with religious indifference and often blatant immorality.

I'll surely be praying for you, MSSN Wilson.

-- jake (jake1@pngusa.net), January 20, 2003.

Response to I'm in the navy and I won't to become CATHOLIC!

We'll pray that Jesus strengthens this man in Faith, as He already has in courage! Keep the Faith, Leo! God Speed Anna <><

-- Anna R (FloweroftheHour@hotmail.com), January 23, 2003.

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