Anyone on kazza have the early episodes if Inuyasha? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
I need the early eps of Inuyasha subs(from 3 and beyond), if anyone has them on Kazza please tell me.
-- Anonymous, January 23, 2003
I have epi 1-31, 33, etc. However, if you could download at least 1 (or more) episode(s) every 24 hour, then I will upload them via http for you. However, because that's a scratch account, so the file could only last 24 hr.
-- Anonymous, January 24, 2003
Hey thanks, that's great I don't plan on keeping the eps since they would take so much space so 24 hours is fine.
-- Anonymous, January 24, 2003
D'oh! Forgot to specify which eps. Im so dumb sometimes. Anyways, I need 4,5,8,9,10 How do I find ur uploads?
-- Anonymous, January 24, 2003