I NEED INUYASHA EPISODES! PLEASE!!!?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
i dont have kazaa....i have a mac, so anything window people have is out of the question, but i do have streamloader, *just new* my username is x0chiaki0x and i dont, know, email me or answer back if you guys have any questions!
-- Anonymous, January 26, 2003
Thats a easy one, to find FULL INUYASHA ( or Inu Yasha )simply download mirc from www.mirc.com and complete registration. Then, type the following in the status menu: /server irc.aniverse.com ...... then, when the channel menus come up, type #Dog_Demon ....or type /join #Dog_Demon to download your favorite dubbed AND subbed Inuyasha!!!! Glad to help ^_^ SIT BOY! - PokemonHoundour
-- Anonymous, January 29, 2003