Word Games?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

Word Games

The media fascinates me, while it irritates me.

1.)Ever notice that Hollywood delights in exposing "hypocrisy"? I am a hypocrite, and not ashamed of it anymore. If enough people make the same admission, perhaps we'll take the legs out of that "slur to end all slurs", ie. being labled a "hypocrite". 2.)My son tells me now that nerds are cool, and I always thought so, but wasn't convinced to Bill Gates brought respect to Nerddom. Once upon a time, nerds were akin to spiders. 3.)Pro-Choice? Wait, ask the little dewd you are about to mutilate if he wants a choice, too. You want me to pour salt in your face, put a shiv into your neck, and throw you in the trash, or take a chance on a momma who's a crack ho? When science determines a way for the fetus to choose, then I'll be pro-choice. 4.)Priestly molestations? Talk about incredible media bias. Clinton is accused of raping a woman, whose witness's and testimony are beyond reproach, the case is hurled aside because of a 'statute of limitations. He was a Governer at the time. Priests, some dead fifteen and twenty years are fair game for a lawsuit, and the Church is dumb enough to shell out money to these imbeciles? Wait a minute...Get your hands off of my money.

-- Buttinzki (tim_rum@msn.com), January 27, 2003


-- J. F. Gecik (jfgecik@hotmail.com), March 02, 2003.

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