PLEASE HELP ME! MKR! : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I NEED HELP! I WANT MAGIC KNIGHT RAYEARTH EPISDOES! ALL OF THE EPISODES... IF YOU DON'T HAVE ALL... AT LEAST GIVE ME SOME! I haven't seen them yet, but when I was hearing about MKR... I went to search some info on this amine and found it cool! AND I WANT SOME NOW! Please help me! THANKS! ^-~!

-- Anonymous, January 29, 2003


I have the full series but i have no clue as how to put them on my computer. If someone knows please tell me!

-- Anonymous, January 29, 2003

Check the earlier posts. A site was posted with all the eps but #16. It was called Ponehuma or sumthin like that.

-- Anonymous, January 29, 2003

the pholephemu or something like that doesnt have it anymore. They had lots of episodes of all these animes but not any more. By the way how many episdoes are there of Magic knight rayerath??? And also try using direct connect, some say to use DC++ but thats not really stable in my opinion.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2003

MKR has at least 20 episodes that i know of

-- Anonymous, February 06, 2003

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