Anime episodes help : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

OK, here goes nothing. What is the best way of getting anime videos? If u do please tell me. If u got any FTP site tell me as well. If u have any other ideas, tell me. I'm still in high school and i dont haev a job. I'm an anime fan too u know, anime fans helps eachother. So please help me get anime episodes, i beg everyone.

-- Anonymous, February 02, 2003


X¬D you can get alot at Direct Commect! just go to neo- and download your version by finding the download section! after, browse through some public connections and search for you anime! i got lots of inuyasha, ah! my goddess, and fushigi yuugi and dbz, and way more from there! the only thing bad is if the person your downloading from has a slow connection, so will your download!

-- Anonymous, February 02, 2003

Better get Bit Torrent, lots of Fansubs are releasing their anime by this new P2P downloader & it's a lot faster than kazaa, DC or even IRC, 'cause you don't need to wait for a free slot to start download you can get it here: and download some anime from here... Best of all: IT'S FREE!!!!

-- Anonymous, February 03, 2003

I've used it before and I managed to get one file off it which was Inuyasha episode 96 which many people haven't seen yet. I guess it's ok...but the trouble is that people don't leave the window open after they finish their downloads so that other people can download the same file off them...Also, if there's no seeds online then the file disappears which is annoying. However, it's still a good thing to use.

-- Anonymous, February 04, 2003

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