Yankee Andrew Tomiasacgreenspun.com : LUSENET : nyyankees : One Thread |
Hi,My name is Tony. I sell sports autographs. I am doing a Signing in NJ and I am bringing to sign autographs Andrew Tomiasac he played both Baseball & Football.
He played for the NY Yankees & NY Giants Baseball and for the Steelers in Football.
I can not find any info on him to put on my webpage. I was hoping someone might know where I could find the years he played and his stats. Is there a website that has every player that played for the Yankees?
Thanks for any help anybody can give me! If you can help me I will send whom ever an autographed photo of Mr. Tomiasac
Thanks again for you help in this matter!!
-- Tony Blevins (sales@psgamegear.com), February 05, 2003