Thermotite concrete building blocks : LUSENET : Art Deco Society of Washington : One Thread

Does anyone have any information on a concrete building block material manufactured in Carmel, California called Thermotite. It was produced between about 1922 and 1930 by the Carmel Thermotite Company. It was used in NRLM Flander's Mansion in Carmel and the 2nd Chruch of Christ Scientist in Berkeley, California. Thank you

-- Susan Cerny (, February 06, 2003


No, but I am also searching for some - have you had any luck with your search?

I am a consulting engineer, currently looking at a house constructed of the same system ,and reviewing means of (reasonably) seismically strengthening. We were called in by an agent, because of our experience in using Glass reinforced ploymers for strengthening unreinforced masonry. We feel that has much potential here, in conjunction with some other ideas, but need more information about the system.

Any help would be appreciated, or we may be able to pool ideas, if we get going on this.


John Hare

-- John Hare (, July 25, 2003.

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