What problems does shooting in Anamorphic create?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread

What problems (if any) does shooting in anamorphic for 16:9 cause? Focus issues? Is it difficult to judge performance with the slight distortion? Etc, etc? Thank you

-- Scott Hellon (mrdir12@aol.com), February 06, 2003


depens on the lens

Ive used one on a PD150 and First we lost about 40% of our long end of the lens, in other words we had to stay wide all the time. Second because of the same reson it was hard to get Focus, you could never zoom in to get it. but I recently saw the Century Anamorphic adapter for the DXV100a and it was much better you olny lost like 15% but that Lens is so wide already so loseing any telephoto might be a bigger deal.

-- Vincent Pascoe (Vincepascoe@yahoo.com), May 09, 2004.

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