Getting started : LUSENET : Everything About Teaching and Learning the Piano : One Thread

What is a really good method book to start a beginner with? How would a first lesson go? What should be taught if the student is really a beginner and knows nothing about music?

-- Nichelle Bailey (, February 06, 2003


This depends on the age of the child. If you have a very young PreK or kindergartener, I would suggest a more wholistic group approach; one that would allow the child to experience movement, singing, body percussion, ear training, etc.... For the older beginner I've really enjoyed the Faber method. Having taught out of Bastien and Alfred for umpteen years, the Faber curriculum is a breath of fresh air. No matter what method you choose, it's pretty spelled-out as to what needs to be taught at each lesson.

-- alexandra (, February 08, 2003.

It is not sufficient to just find a book, and start teaching from it. You need to develop an entire philosophy of teaching by taking pedagogy lessons from a well-respected piano teacher. You also need to study many beginner books and assess their merits pedagogically and musically. Many books teach principles well but lack musical and literary interest. You need to develop a plan that will take a student through several years of lessons. This gives you confidence and integrity when you teach. Your students will also feel that everything fits into a bigger plan and be more willing to subscribe to your method. Good Luck.

-- Anita Greenways (, February 08, 2003.

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