.hack//SIGN episodes

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Doesn't anyone know where I can download full episodes of .hack//SIGN? And please, mkae sure I can actually download them, cause I don't want to see that stupid error message come up or anything liek the sort.........

-- Anonymous, February 07, 2003


Use Kazaa, download Hack.Sign on Kazaa is VERY VERY Fast, trust me ;)

-- Anonymous, February 07, 2003

use Direct Connect, within half a week i got the whole series

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2003

hahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahahhah not to be mean or anything but they are show .hack//sig on cartoon- network every Saturday so i get to see it

-- Anonymous, February 09, 2003

how to use direct connect

-- Anonymous, February 10, 2003

also, check out .hack//liminality and .hack//DUSK (Twilight)

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2003

liminality is an out of game parallel anime to the ps2 game (infecton) and is packaged with the game. both it and the game are 4 parts long; the first part comes packaged with the first game, etc. none of the characters in either of them are the same. There is also a novel called AI BUSTER (it's manga, i think?). The chronological order is as follows: AI Buster, Sign, Infection/Liminality, Dusk(Aka Udeden or Legend of the Twilight Bracelet). Dusk is still airing in japan, Sign is 26 episodes long. hope this helps.

-- Anonymous, February 15, 2003

not to be mean but cartoon network blows dude even if u get to see every saturday u gotta wait 26 weeks to see it all and by that time uve either forgotten or taped em and hafta watch all over (seems pointless)

-- Anonymous, February 19, 2003

sorry to say, Kazaa is very slow, cartoon network sucks cause they censor stuff and don't get it translated very well...I'm still looking for other ways, but so far, haven't found any...bittorrent files are gone now that it's licenced, but Dusk is being distributed on bittorrent (7th ep being subbed right now)...

-- Anonymous, February 27, 2003

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