Brutale MSRP? : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I was reading the latest issue of Motorcyclist with their 2003 buyer's guide. I noticed that their price listed for the Brutale Strada was $18,895. Last I heard the Brutale was going to be priced south of $14k. Does anyone know if the Brutale's MSRP has been raised significantly, or is this just a misprint in the magazine?

-- Steve Burns (, February 09, 2003


I was given an estimated cost of $13,800 by a Mass. dealer today. They are hoping for delivery by the end of March.

-- Kevin Letellier (, February 18, 2003.

I was told the date is closer to June now. The Oro will be out in April. The list price for the standard Brutale is $13,800.00

-- King (, March 22, 2003.

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