Wanna trade Inuyasha eps????greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
I got about 20 various episodes of inuyasha in from 1-41. If anyone else has episodes of inuyasha they wanna trade then email or answer on here. THANX
-- Anonymous, February 09, 2003
I have eps 1-20.....right now....they are not dubbed though, cause i think dubbed versions suck caus ethey dont really say bad words......or the original kind of words japanese version has..anyway...if you wanna trade gimme a mail...
-- Anonymous, February 09, 2003
sure i'll trade with you how you wanna trade?
-- Anonymous, February 11, 2003
I have all 96!BWA-HA-HA-HA.
-- Anonymous, February 12, 2003
Death Tap, where did you get yours at? I have so far episodes 1 through 30 subbed.
-- Anonymous, February 12, 2003
I also have inu yasha 1-92, still downloading 93-96, and the movie. Kazza is slow, but you actually could get something (if you wait long enough that is)
-- Anonymous, February 12, 2003
Kaaza is slow last night i downloaded iMesh p2p software and it's twice as fast. I would suggest getting that. InuYasha eps are easy to find on iMesh
-- Anonymous, February 12, 2003
Death Tap/Janet, do either of you have a freeloader/streamloader account. i have a freeloader account and i would LOVE!!!!! any inuyasha episodes...thanx!
-- Anonymous, February 16, 2003
hey buddy (death_tap@hotmail.com), I wouldnt show off cause they're REALLY EASY to find, and I have the movie
-- Anonymous, February 16, 2003
Hi! can anybody send me inuyasha movies and episodes? thanks! my freeload account is lynae07.
-- Anonymous, February 17, 2003
I'm looking for Inuyasha episode 99 and up. Anybody?
-- Anonymous, February 18, 2003
I got about 60 of the first Inuyasha episodes all of them ar dubbed (except one), an i got all the Trigun episodes one tape (all but 9 i think) on my comp., and i got Akira too. If you have any G Gundam episodes or DVDs I trade foreven working burned copies.
-- Anonymous, February 18, 2003
i have 95,96,97 sub98,99,100 sub
-- Anonymous, February 19, 2003