Hang in there!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Michael Jackson : One Thread |
Micheal, Hang in there!Only you and God know what a good parent,person you are.You can only control what you do and not what everyone else does.We all have a downside to our job and I quess yours is negative press. Ignore it and go about your life with your children.What is normal and who is to say? Normal would be boring and we are all unique individuals. I am the mother of 5(some grown) and they are the greatest gifts. I have always been a fan of yours and so are all of my children.I also was an abused child and agree with you that we do not grow up to abuse,I think we learn from it and never, ever want to do anything to hurt our children. The T.V. documentary on you was not all negative as many of your fans got an insight to you that we would not have otherwise. I have son with down syndrome and sometimes people think I am odd but I cannot let it affect my life and neither can you.We cannot please everyone,so don't even try. I hope knowing you have the love and support of many,many fans will bring you peace. Sincerely, Sandra
-- Anonymous, February 10, 2003