Does anyone have a decent encoding of Guyver episode 12? (more than the 56meg rm file i keep finding on kazaa) : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I'm trying to find episode 12 of guyver, and I will be willing to trade 2 of my episodes just for that episode (pretty good deal, eh?). Email me for a list of the anime I have to trade.

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2003


Yes, as a matter of fact I do. It's about 85 megs (the credits were cut out, and they are like 7 minutes so its actually VERY good quality). It's dubbed, of course. I had had a hell of a time finding it also... very rare. I am willing to trade it; I can use AIM, Yahoo, and IRC. MSN always cuts out on downloads after a short time, so i don't recommending using it for anything bigger than 15 megs.


-- Anonymous, February 15, 2003

Oh my god... I feel like an idiot... I feel like a skizofrenic idiot... as of this moment, I am pounding my head against my monitor. I JUST ANSWERED MY OWN DAMN QUESTION FROM 3 DAYS AGO!!! OMG!!! I'M AN IDIOT! KILL ME! PLEASE KILL MEEEEE!!!

-- Anonymous, February 15, 2003

Ha ha ha ha! That's so funny! *rotfl*

-- Anonymous, February 15, 2003

......O k.

-- Anonymous, February 27, 2003

is there more than just twelve episodes if there isnt that blows the fat nut

-- Anonymous, April 13, 2003

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