anyone know where a place is that I can download inuyasha episoeds that are dubed in english : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

where in the world can I find inuyasha episoeds dubed in english tell me please!!!!!I NEED IT BADLY SO PLEASE TELL ME PLEASEEEE!!!!!!!!!!

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2003


I have them in portuguese (the 1st 26 eps) they're 20MB a peace and they r in high quality, if u can help me get subs for them, than I can send them to u. my sn is ViDIoGAmeFreaK12 and my ICQ is 210089138, c ya

-- Anonymous, February 16, 2003

I have the first 30 (of 35, I believe) episodes dubbed in English. I share my files on WinMX under the name of bazoo (with varying numbers tagged on the end). You should be able to find me by simply searching for InuYasha, since I also share the latest subbed (just got 98) and raws (up to 100), and tons o' IY pics. Sorry, no OST yet. Have a great day!! baz

-- Anonymous, February 19, 2003

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