Anybody know where to get Ranma 1/2 movies/OAVS? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Anybody can suggest sites? Or maybe good DC channels?

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2003


Sites are rare.

Streamload requires money.

Freeloader is constantly full.

KaZaa is slow.

Take your pick.

-- Anonymous, February 19, 2003

Well I have almost a complete Ranma 1/2 collection. I have season 1-5 dub complete some of season 6 sub and dub all 12 OVA's and both (2) movies also dub with a lot of other Ranma stuff. If any of you are interested in a trade let me know just e-mail me with Ranma as the subject.

-- Anonymous, July 29, 2003

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