About MCA correspondence course of this university

greenspun.com : LUSENET : pondicherry.com : One Thread

I am graduate in phisycs (Hons) and PGDCA from Indian Statistical Institute.I am interested in doing MCA from your university.

Please mail me the details of course structure,duration,time of start(when session begins?),Fees and payment modes.

I am a software professional and I can rarely attend classes.Is there any classes held at calcutta? (because I am a resident of calcutta).

Please let me know whether withoutattending any classes I can persue the course and give exams. Regards, Sonali Roy

-- Sonali Roy (roysonalir@rediffmail.com), February 17, 2003



-- marshall (marshalles2000@yahoo.com), May 01, 2003.

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