BharatNatyam and Carnatic Vocal Teacher Needed in South SanJose : LUSENET : : One Thread


I am really intrested in learning BharatNatyam and Carnatic Vocal Music. Can you plese let me know if any guru is available in South Snajose area for either one of them or both..

Thank You, Manisha

-- Manisha Murgude (, February 17, 2003


Check india currents magazine- ads dance/vocal classes

-- meena (, February 18, 2003.

That's nice!!!!!!! I have a great one. But i live in Austria.

-- Skidkensn Pauder (, April 15, 2003.


kala vandana dance center is located in south san jose, with classes being taught at various locations in the bay area. The dance director, sundara swaminathan is a graduate from kalakshetra, madras, and teaches bharatanatyam in kalakshetra style.

check out their website

best wishes, svetha

-- svetha (, June 25, 2003.

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