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What are the Catholic beliefs, if any, on Ghost, hauntings and other unexplainable para phenomena?

-- Michael (, February 20, 2003


Dear Michael, I would check the Catechism of the Catholic Church first. And secondly, are you close to a Catholic book store? Rev. John H. Hampsch, C.M.F. has books full of Catholic teaching on the subject of devils, demons, ghosts and poltergeists. He's had experiences in the deliverance ministry that 'make the "Exorcist" look like "Mary Poppins".The demonic realm is real, as St. Paul states in Ephesians chapter 6, I would make contact with your parish priest, and see if he can help you. There are many evil entities, unseen and only occasionally manifested. John reminds us in 1 John 5:19, that 'the whole world is under the control of the evil one", that is, the devil with his minions has potential for widespread influence, until the day of his confinement. {Rev. 20:2}.

Here is a small excerpt from Hampsch's book "Devils and Demons-Fact or Fiction?". .. from part 2: 'Terrorists Under Your Roof- Poltergeists'.

"The 'hidden' evil spirits at large in the world can manifest themselves by God's permissive will, as happened twice in the case of Job {1:12 and 2:6}; only when certain very restricted conditions are fullfilled can these entities become externally manifest. .. Some of these spirit entities are ghosts and others are poltergeists. So- called 'ghosts' can be demonic entities in various grotesque forms; this type of apparition is the most frightening and the most serious. Most ghosts, however, are apparitions of deceased human persons who are, in varying degrees, 'unsettled'. These seem to be wandering and 'bewildered' souls who often are apparently unaware that they have died. Usually they are persons who have died while resisting God's plan for leaving this world when called by death to the next world. Some of these 'bewildered souls' show no intent of inflicting harm; these souls are disturbed, but undisturbing. But other ghosts are very obnoxious or even violent, generally perpetuating the behavior patterns they had when alilve. .. As in most eschatological issues, our knowledge is limited to conjectural conclusions.

Unlike ghosts, who are disembodied human persons, poltergeists are not humans but mischievous spirits, low in the underworld hierarchy. The name comes from the German word "poltern", which means to knock, and 'geist,' which means spirit. Typically they disturb by knocking or noise making, but also by more pernicious acts of object moving, stone throwing, fire making, etc. They are more difficult to expel then ghosts. They are angry evil spirits that apparently use some living humans {good and bad} as transmitters to download their paranormal energy...

Ghosts are fairly easy to dispel by either private or ritual prayers to break any bondage the deceased person may be under. But poltergeists are spirits; they're more difficult to dispel. Also, the process may be complicated if former occupants have left an after- presence of spirits to disturb the new occupants. If the house had been the locale of torture, suicide, abortion, drug-use, adultery, etc., it should be blessed , preferably by a priest {at best with a home Mass}, before it is occupied by the new owners or renters. Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in a prominent place in the house {by the usual ceremony} is a powerful protection, as are blessed crucifixes in major rooms of the house. Sacramentals, like holy water, blessed salt, etc. , should be used frequently and devoutly, always in the name of Jesus and the Church {not superstitiously as if they have self-contained power}. Expulsion of evil spirits by persevering prayer and fasting {Mark 9:29} will bring holy and welcome relief by God's loving mercy."

This is only partial information Michael. Are you suffering with some weird manifestations?

-- Theresa Huether (, February 20, 2003.

"Most ghosts, however, are apparitions of deceased human persons who are, in varying degrees, 'unsettled'. These seem to be wandering and 'bewildered' souls who often are apparently unaware that they have died."

The above is typical of explanations offered by believers in so- called "paranormal phenomena". On the one hand, it is certainly true that evil spirits can sometimes manifest their presence in ways detectable by the human senses (the most extreme example of course being possession). On the other hand, Christian teaching regarding death is that the souls of deceased persons are judged at the moment of death, and sent to Heaven, Hell, or Purgatory. Persons in any of these states are quite aware that they are dead, and are no longer in their bodies. There is nothing in Christian theology that could possibly allow for the souls of deceased human beings to be wandering aimlessly around the earth, clanking chains and "haunting" specific buildings. This is the stuff of Scooby-Doo movies, not the real world.

-- Paul (, February 20, 2003.

I agree with Paul on this one Michael. The dead can only visit you in your dreams.The dead, like in the case of Jesus who was about 40 days on this Earth after his resurrection, can visit you in a vision ( in a trance)(which happened to Paul the Apostle on his way to Damascus and to Peter when told kill and eat, referring to Jewish Kosher foods).

The evil dead can also be seen in the dreams of people inciting them to do violence. That is why the Bible prohibits us from visiting those who supposedly talk to the dead, like this famous guy on TV now, to protect us from evil spirits. See what happened to Charles Manson, Richard Ramirez,...they are in jail now.

The Roman Catholic Church has always accepted the dreams and apparitions (visions) of dead people after a careful investigation. Fatima, Lourdes, Guadalupe ( which show a dead person: Mary the mother of Jesus) have been accepted. So has the one where this lady sees the heart of Jesus ( another dead one). Joan of Arc , a French young woman heard voices. She was executed as a witch. Centuries later was declared a saint.

-- Elpidio Gonzalez (, February 21, 2003.

I'm ba-a-ack!

Just wanted to point out that the Catholic Church does not consider Mary to be a "dead person" - she was assumed into Heaven, body and soul, and is very much alive and working on our behalf right this moment. :-)

-- Christine L. :-) (, February 21, 2003.

Emerald to thread...

-- Kiwi (, February 21, 2003.

...I see dead people. =)

-- Emerald (, February 21, 2003.

Here's the Catholic Encyclopedia entry on Necromancy.

Elpidio writes:

"Joan of Arc , a French young woman heard voices. She was executed as a witch."

Elpidio, do you know who executed her? Here's some reading for you.

In Christ,


-- (, February 21, 2003.

Anyone remember the 'Bermuda Triangle', an area of the Atlantic Ocean enclosed by an imaginary line from Bermuda to Miami to Puerto Rico to Bermuda, that swallowed up aircraft, often without a trace? It was discovered that old slave ships which used this run threw 2 million slaves overboard. In 1977 many prayers were said and a Eucharist celebrated for those many slaves who died uncommitted to the Lord, and repentance was done for the cruelty of those who were the cause of it.

The curse of the Bermuda Triangle was lifted. Since then no known, inexplicable accidents have occurred there. Interesting..

-- Theresa (, February 22, 2003.

Wow, Theresa, you are a font of information...and inspiration!

-- Anna <>< (, February 22, 2003.

The website on Joan of Arc was very informative also. Thanks for posting it.

Off topic just a bit, but I am searching for a book (for my daughter) called "The Mystery of the Charity of Joan of Arc," by Charles Peguy, translated by Julian Green. If anyone has an old copy, or could tell me how to get one, I'd sure appreciate an email.

Pax Christi.

-- Anna <>< (, February 22, 2003.

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