Urusei Yatsura

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

This is the first of Rumiko Takahashi's series. Its pretty decent. SO WHY DOESN'T ANYBODY SEEM TO HAVE IT? I'm pretty persistent, but I haven't been able to find more then a random episode here and there. Do you know where they're hiding it? Any help would be greatly appreciated; I'll trade whatever I have in exchange.

Thanks, -J O H N.

-- Anonymous, February 22, 2003


Problem is the anime is kinda old and hasn't taken off too much in America, unlike Ranma. If I find something on irc I'll let you know.

-- Anonymous, February 22, 2003

I had a dubbed tape of Urusei Yatsura once, but I lost it. (Couldn't stand the Engilsh dubbed version.) Your best bet would be to search your local Suncoast store. I hope that helps.

-- Anonymous, April 13, 2003

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