Ranma Box Sets

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I've looked all over for Ranma DVD box sets...I've found seasons 1 to 4 but can't find boxes 5 and on. What's with this? Am I missing something?


-- Anonymous, February 22, 2003


Greetings! Well, basically you have to wait like the rest of us for the fifth box set of Ranma 1/2. For some reason, which I do not know myself, they plan to distribute the next two box sets a bit later than normal. It will be a 5-disc set, but rumor is that the next box set won't be ready until June or July. I really REALLY hope I'm wrong about this. This sucks becuase I'm going crazy!! I managed to get mine three months a part, and I thought that was long enough. Anyway, I hoped I answered your question.

-- Anonymous, February 25, 2003

I should build a shrine to you! Thanks for that info...I was afraid that they weren't making them! Gonna have to wait, but at least I know they will come out!

-- Anonymous, February 25, 2003

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