where i can get .hack\\sign episodes 14 and up

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread


-- Anonymous, March 02, 2003


As they always say: Kazaa You shouldn't be able to find a whole lot of direct download sites since .hack// has been liscensced.


By the way.... Why is everyone after .hack// eps 12 and 14-26? Is it because of ex-anime, before it crashed?


Anyways.... ^___^

-- Anonymous, March 02, 2003

Grr... Licensed I meant....

-- Anonymous, March 02, 2003

Not as everybody says but dont use Kazza use Direct Connect. Direct Connect is soo much beter than Kazza. But a little bit harder to understand, but unless your extreamly stupid, dumb, retarded, etc. You shouldnt have trouble.

-- Anonymous, March 02, 2003

You have to download anime quick before the honest/selfish people discontinue it because of licensing...

-- Anonymous, March 03, 2003

*Chuckle* But people usually don't stop sharing at kazaa...

-- Anonymous, March 03, 2003

How about you people stop BSing and someone give us a straight forward answer.

-- Anonymous, March 07, 2003

go to animejunkies.com and get everything.

-- Anonymous, March 12, 2003

It's KaZaA!!!

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2003

This is the place you whant < http://www.animetech.freeweb- hosting.com/media/episodes/hacksign.html > there all there 1 to 26. good whatching.

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2003

it always saves as an html document when I 'right click save as' instead of an avi at animetech, what am I doing wrong?

-- Anonymous, May 12, 2003

I think it is that the site is down i get the same thing and when i normally click on it i get some stupid site

-- Anonymous, May 13, 2003

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