If my husband left me because I wouldn't abort the baby that was not his it was the rapist was it wrong what I did?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

Hey, I'm Rachel and 22 and I was married in a catholic church but my husband was not catholic about 2 years after we got married I was raped right after my husband left after we had an fight about him sleeping around with other women...I went to the hospital and shortly after that I found out I was pregnet with the rapist child they did find who did it but he appealed it and got 1 year instead but when my husband found out I was pregnet he said either abort the baby or we are through being a catholic and all I could'nt kill my child weather I was raped or not so he left me was I wrong for not doing what he told me to do?

-- Rachel Smith (allenoray16@yahoo.com), March 05, 2003


Response to If my husband left me because I would'nt abort the baby that was not his it was the rapist was it wrong what I did?


you did the right thing in not aborting your baby. Your husband is clearly in the wrong, and guilty of a very serious sin, in trying to get you to have an abortion.

The fact that he also sleeps with other woman, shows he is not a good husband at all.

Pray for him that he will change his ways, and his attitude towards you child.

I am so sorry to hear about all of this, and I will pray for you and your family. God bless! Please see a priest, if you need more guidance and help in all of this.

Maybe others here can offer some more helpful advice for you? Take care!

-- Gordon (gvink@yahoo.com), March 05, 2003.

Response to If my husband left me because I would'nt abort the baby that was not his it was the rapist was it wrong what I did?

Not killing someone is never the wrong thing to do.

-- Paul (PaulCyp@cox.net), March 05, 2003.

Response to If my husband left me because I would'nt abort the baby that was not his it was the rapist was it wrong what I did?

You are in luck! You have an innocent child., and got rid of a bum.

-- Ed Richards (loztra@yahoo.com), March 05, 2003.

Response to If my husband left me because I would'nt abort the baby that was not his it was the rapist was it wrong what I did?

We will pray for you, God Bless


-- Joseph Carl Biltz (jcbiltz@canoemail.com), March 05, 2003.

Response to If my husband left me because I would'nt abort the baby that was not his it was the rapist was it wrong what I did?


You absolutely did the right thing.

The baby cannot help who his/her father is, and is in no way guilty for the circumstances which caused the pregnancy. This little baby is innocent. Every innocent little baby deserves to live.

More women should have your courage and strength! May this child always be a blessing in your life.

-- Anna <>< (flower@youknow.com), March 05, 2003.

Response to If my husband left me because I would'nt abort the baby that was not his it was the rapist was it wrong what I did?

Rachel--good for you! Ellen

-- Ellen K Hornby (dkh@canada.com), March 06, 2003.

Response to If my husband left me because I would'nt abort the baby that was not his it was the rapist was it wrong what I did?

Rachel, I am thrilled to read of your courage! There is so much death/abortion/violence in this world, its great to see someone stand up for what is right! I am sorry to hear about your husband, he sounds like a schmuck! He lost the 2 best things that will ever happen to him- you & the baby!

Good luck,


-- Rachael (Ognollaig@aol.com), March 06, 2003.

Response to If my husband left me because I would'nt abort the baby that was not his it was the rapist was it wrong what I did?

Rachel Smith, you are a genuine heroine, sacrificing so much to give life and love to your innocent baby!

God will reward you. Please stay such a good Catholic forever.
I pray for your husband to turn his life around, to repent, and to love and adopt your child. [Or perhaps the Church will find that you were not validly married, in which case I will pray for you to find a good husband to help you raise your child.]

-- J. F. Gecik (jfgecik@hotmail.com), March 06, 2003.

Response to If my husband left me because I would'nt abort the baby that was not his it was the rapist was it wrong what I did?

Dear Rachel,

You are to be commended for putting an innocent's rights over your own anguish, knowing what it would cost you. If only the clergy would learn from you the Church would make real progress in justice. Hold your head high, Rachel. I am so sorry about your husband's infidelities. I know that heartbreak. At least you can teach your child about commitment, through your own shining example! Your courage is an inspiration.

-- Karl (parkerkajwen@hotmail.com), March 07, 2003.

Response to If my husband left me because I would'nt abort the baby that was not his it was the rapist was it wrong what I did?

Rachel, To me this has nothing to do with being Catholic. You did what you thought was right, and it is sad that your husband didn't respect and support you through it. There are other men out there, Catholic and non-cathlic who would support you. Now you are free to find one of them. You obviuosly you are a very strong and couragous woman. Your child will be blessed.

-- Sarah (sarahworks@earthlink.net), March 09, 2003.

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