Book on LEVEL of pieces? : LUSENET : Everything About Teaching and Learning the Piano : One Thread

I have a wonderful book that lists thousands of clasical pieces, from Baroque through Contemporay periods, and they grade each piece from Levels One through Ten, to help determine which pieces would be right for a student. My question: Does anyone know of a book that would list Jazz/Blues/Pop, etc..pieces and say what Level the pieces are for students who enjoy playing other kinds of music too? I know individual music books and sheet music may say Intermediate, Advanced, etc...but it is nice to know Level One through Ten for those who are used to syllabus programs... Thanks! Mandy

-- Mandy (, March 05, 2003


The Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto sells a popular selection syllabus.

Please tell me about your repertoire guide. What is its title?


-- Anita Greenways (, March 07, 2003.

Anita, do you know where I might look at or order that book from the Royal Conservatory on the popular music?

The classical book I have is called "The Pianists Guide to Standard Teaching and Performance Literature". The pieces have been evaluated and described in detail, with comments on interpretation, unique characteristics, and technical requirements.

I did go the the Royal Conservatory website but didn't see anything that showed books or things for sale. If you have that info, I'd appreciate it! Thanks.

-- Mandy (, March 07, 2003.

Good News. You don't need any money. Just go to screen.pdf. The complete list of Popular Selections is available. I believe you need Adobe Acrobat.

Who is the author of The Pianist's Guide to Standard Teaching and Performance Literature,please?

Thank you.

-- Anita (, March 07, 2003.

Jane Magrath, published by Alfred Publishing.

-- Jon Ensminger (, March 09, 2003.

Thanks Jon, that is correct! Mandy

-- Mandy (, March 10, 2003.

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