Grady Soccer Injuries : LUSENET : Grady Cyberspace Project - Real News : One Thread

On Tuesday for those of you who were at the WD Muhammad game you saw when I got injured during the first half of play and I just wanted to give everyone an update about my knee. First of all though I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who came by the house or called to see how I was doing I appreciate it greatly. I went to the sports doctor this morning and I was informed that when the other player and I collided I partially tore my meditarcial and will not be able to play any soccer for the next six weeks, therefore probably knocking me out of the rest of the season. Just wanted to let yall know and good luck to both programs the rest of the season, I'll still be out there just not on the field any more. Thanks for everything.

-- Breen Chambless (, March 07, 2003



Speedy recovery! We will all miss you on the field and look forward to seeing you at the games, cheering all of the players on.

See you soon and take care!

-- Randy E. Pimsler (, March 07, 2003.

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