Heres where to get anime : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

heres programs you can use to get all the anime you want... Winmx BitTorrent Imesh MIrc Direct Connect or kazaa, but it & Imesh have spyware.. Sometimes the cost of a bit of spyware is worth the anime you want to watch though... & if your THAT worried about the spyware you can go to & download ad-aware to remove it.. Also if you have newsgroup axcess you can use a program called grab it ... there are several anime groups... In conclusion... you could probably get any of the programs & get almost any anime you see ppl requesting here.. It may take a small amout of time to learn a new program & some of these require you make deals with ppl or wait in ques, but nobodys gonna hand you anything on a silver platter, if you learn how to get it yourself, you can have whatever you want..

-- Anonymous, March 12, 2003


yo dog, my FTP site has more than 30GB. some is in portuguese,I'm from Brazil, native language, portuguese. some english, and some subbed in english. I have quite a few animes. c ya

-- Anonymous, March 12, 2003

what's your ftp add???

-- Anonymous, April 02, 2003

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