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In the movie A Walk to Remember they resite the lines love is never jealous nor conceded, what part of the Bible is that from?

-- Andi brook Travis (blonde24_72006@yahoo.com), March 12, 2003


It's from the Paul's third letter to Athenians 6,7. Nice words, aren't they?

-- Willy (DarkWW@yahoo.com), March 12, 2003.

the words are based upon 1 Co 13.

they words are used in many's a wedding -- somewhat regrettably as, well, ....., they were supposed to amount to more than romantic love poetry

-- Misuing God's Word (pretendchristians.love@love.com), March 12, 2003.

I think you'll find that the words are: 'love is never jealous nor conceited', not conceded!

God bless

-- Sara (Sara@yahoo.com), March 12, 2003.

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