KU West Campus O' clinicgreenspun.com : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread |
The KU Chapter of OK will host an O' clinic on KU's West Campus in Lawrence on Sunday, March 30, 2003. Registration will begin at 1pm, followed by instruction, followed by a score-o.The event will consist of instruction including a group walk-through to 3 controls, followed by an hour or 90-minute score-o.
Thanks to Student Senate, the event will be free for all KU students and will be 50¢ for all other participants.
More information on the meet will be posted in the next two weeks at http://www.people.ku.edu/~gogol/okku.htm .
PLEASE EMAIL me if you are interested in participating. I will send out an email the week before with details about the clinic, including where to meet.
Also, if you'd be willing to assist me with any aspects of this thing (such as instruction or course design), your help would be greatly appreciated.
-- Pete Gogol (gogol@ku.edu), March 13, 2003
Pete,I'll help with instructions, marker pickup, whatever. Thanks for arranging this.
-- Mary (maprunner@juno.com), March 13, 2003.