*Sigh* Why do people keep asking the same questions over and over again?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
I mean there are about 10 posts on Inuyasha eps already, for example! Would it hurt to just read through the other posts first and make sure what you're looking for is not there before you ask a new question? I want to help people find what they're looking for and all but damn, I'm getting tired of typing the same answers over and over again.
-- Anonymous, March 14, 2003
Yeah, I know what you mean. It's no wonder why the server eats up gigs so fast... >_<
-- Anonymous, March 14, 2003
what site do u have? or what worth-while information do u have?
-- Anonymous, March 14, 2003
Lots but I don't like writing the same answers over and over again. If people would just take the time to read answers to earlier posts they could save themselves and all of us a lot of time and energy. For example, felipe, how many times have you had to advertise your little ftp thing on different threads?
-- Anonymous, March 15, 2003
whats up with all the downloading questions?especially for the same show over and over again?!
-- Anonymous, June 10, 2003