Where Can I find Kenshin Episodes on MIRC?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Does anyone know where i can download Kenshin Episodes 1-94 and MOvie? Also if u know anywhere in irc please tell me Thx
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2003
#anime-keep, #anime-dome, #anime-kraze (haven't actually seen any but it's a big place) all at aniverse. I don't think #anime-keep allows @find, though, so check b4 you try.
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2003
I have all the full Kenshin eps, but its not on MIRC (I dont even know what that is!) my eps are tops 22MB, and they r in perfect quality (exept episode 70 or 71) but the thing is, they're dubbed in portuguese. if u still want them, email me or my screen name is ViDIoGAmeFreaK12 and my ICQ is 210089138. c ya!
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2003
Hey i'm also looking for kenshin episodes...i'll apreciated if any one could help...thanks
-- Anonymous, March 23, 2003
Um... I'm also looking for Japanese episodes... I have DVD Power, Real Quick and Media Player in the computer... I've tried to look in the internet for downloading without paying but most of the few I found is english... I'm deaf so I want it to be japanese speaking so it could have english subtitles and I'll actually know what it's saying! Spanish subtitles works fine for me too...I'm sorta desperate for this, I hope anyone answers!
Vough, sorry if I'm using your site for asking this... But if you already got it, can you give it to me?
-- Anonymous, March 25, 2003
im also looking for some kenshin episodes....-_-;;
-- Anonymous, March 26, 2003