Prayer Time - 12:30 : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread |
Here in parts of British Columbia Canada we have begun in some churches a 20 minute prayer time set at 12:30 P.M. which corresponds with the Muslim Prayer time in Bagdhad.Perhaps a decade of the Rosary asking our Mother to watch over ALL of God's children not just those in the " bosom " of the church.
Churches of many denominations have begun keeping their doors open to the public at that time.
-- jean bouchard (, March 21, 2003
Not a bad idea. John. Thanks for sharing it with us!
-- Charly (, March 21, 2003.
Thank you for responding. Take note please my name is Jean. Thank you again.
-- jean bouchard (, March 21, 2003.
Sorry Jean, for John...;-) Regards!
-- Charly (, March 22, 2003.