MJ LOVERS AND HATERS - GREAT SITE TO GO TOgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Michael Jackson : One Thread |
Hey MJ fans, and then some others This is such a funny site. This girl is seriously stupid. Check it out hahahahahahttp://www.geocities.com/trysuckonthis/AngelicaWeston.html
She fully pays out Michael Jackson on this board, but she's so severly jealous of him and his fame and fans and you get the point in her site. What a loser.
-- Anonymous, March 23, 2003
im telling the truth why whould i post something like that? she even admit it that shes the one who post that site why dont all of you check out the other questions.
-- Anonymous, April 05, 2003
sure angelica. Why don't we all start pointing fingers now..
-- Anonymous, March 24, 2003
HEY thats not my site it's Janice peterson's fault she's the one who made it
-- Anonymous, March 23, 2003