gear/chain problem : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

has any owner of a 2001 model f4 had this happen while out on bike i went to pass a car at about 90 mph changed up into top gear and i seemed to get a false gear wich locked up the rear wheel and nearly sent me into a ditch i pulled i the clutch and it freed the wheel but gear leaver seemed jammed when i tried to re locate top gear again pulled over and chain seemed slack could this be the cause worried as this happend twice after on way home help any info

-- paul dixon (, March 23, 2003


I have a 2001 and never had any problem. Look like it is not a chain problem but a gear box problem (I had same thing with a BMW until I exploded twice the transmition and the cases = $$$$)

Be carefull, if it is the gear box it can lock up and do great damage to you and your bike....)

-- 0 (, March 26, 2003.

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