Rurouni Kenshin episodes! : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Does anyone have Rurouni Kenshin Episodes on streamload? And if you have interest in Inuyasha, I'll give you IY episodes 1-31 and 71. pleez DomoArigato

-- Anonymous, March 23, 2003


I have all the Kenshin eps, perfect quality, and around 20MB, though they're in portuguese. if by the smallest chance u want them, and IY is inuyasha, their isnt a Inuyasha ep u can give it to me that I dont have. c ya (I'm in a REALLY bad moood)

-- Anonymous, March 23, 2003

Listen I don't care if you have the things I have ok? I am only offering to the people who want and don't have. Don't be so obnoxious. and I'd like them in Japanese if any of you have them. And I know that IY is Inuyasha so what if I'm lazy to type it out. Stop bragging and be modest.

-- Anonymous, March 26, 2003


-- Anonymous, March 26, 2003

hi everyone, well i dont have anything to offer but i really want the all the eps in english, thanks

-- Anonymous, March 27, 2003

Man/12? WHat is that supposed to meaN? Can we please get on the question?

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2003

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