Hey!I need Excel Saga MP3s!I have "ai" but I want More!=@.x=greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Ahh!I just love the funny songs in that series!XD I have "ai" and "nabashins song" but is there anywere other than Tamaras anime music I can download other songs from?Also if anyones selling one of the cds or you know were to buy one I d be very grateful!=^.^= I hope someone can help me!Thankus muchly for reading this atleast!Even if you cant help!=^.6=
-- Anonymous, March 26, 2003
Maybe this shall help.http://www.sakuramedia.com/website/showdetail-music.asp?code=ggg307
-- Anonymous, March 26, 2003
Thank you for the link!I have that cd though...I cant find the OST 1 or 2 though.
-- Anonymous, March 27, 2003
I don't know anywhere, but if you serch through the distro section of ths website(shameful site promotion): http://www.freewebs.com/kenjiikari I have lots of links to people who will burn and sale many cheap anime mp3s/cds. -Kenji
-- Anonymous, March 28, 2003