Massage therapist from Sweden! : LUSENET : AMTNSW : One Thread

Hello Everyone!

I'm an 24 year old Swedish massage therapist that just moved to sydney with my girlfriend for a year. Looking for a job.

In Sweden I'm working as a massagetherapist as well as a health therapist in a great relaxing spa just out of stockholm.

I've been doing massage for about three years now. Not only relaxing spa massage in the spa, but also been working with several sport clubs, such as track, soccer and icehockey. Sport massage offers opportunyties for working with stretching akupressure etc.

If this sounds interesting and your clinic or buisness could need an extra hand, or perhaps you know someone who does, please let me know.

Best regards Magnus Andersson 040 5551731

-- Magnus Andersson (, March 27, 2003

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