how old r his kids? : LUSENET : Michael Jackson : One Thread

I would just like to no how old Prince Michael, Paris and Blanket are and if u no then could u tell me their b-days too? Please?! thanks! I love MJ to death!!!!!

-- Anonymous, March 30, 2003


Prince is 6, his birthday is Febuary 13th, Paris is 5, April 3rd, and I'm not sure about blanket.. I'm pretty sure he is over a year now. ~*I lOvE MICHAEL JACKSON!*~

-- Anonymous, July 23, 2003

Michael jackson also had 3th baby.

-- Anonymous, April 03, 2003

I dont know their B-days or Blankets age but Paris is 4 and Prince is 5.


-- Anonymous, April 03, 2003

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