FTP Containing Every Anime Available

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread


does anybody know a login username and password?

-- Anonymous, April 02, 2003


are you sure the files actually exist in the first place. looks like a directory listing to me

-- Anonymous, April 02, 2003

they definately exist. Getting acces to them is only for a few members who share anime and have insane upload speeds. It's ran by a small german group and they have several fileservers.

-- Anonymous, April 02, 2003

hmmm...I was able to get in using anonymous. The files are there, and there's a helluva lot of em! Literally several hundred full series of anime. I need to set up FTP DL though. My firewall's screwy.

-- Anonymous, April 16, 2003

WOW!! that ftp site is quite extensive in it collection and has everything that im looking for. However, i can't d/l anything and it gives me an error message...hmm. so how does one become a member or get access to those files? do i have to upload first before i can download? any idea on how to get access to ALL THOSE GOODIES?

-- Anonymous, April 16, 2003

OMG ...theres episodes i've been looking for on the inernet for ages but when i click on them i get an error message. Can anyone tell me the password or how i can get it?

-- Anonymous, April 16, 2003

Maybe it's fake, just there to tantalise people. I haven't been there myself yet but how difficult would it be to ratchet up a bunch of mp3s and name them Birdy.avi and Whatever.mpg? Still if it's really it would be fantastic.

-- Anonymous, April 16, 2003

try getright. I connected, it just says "server is busy", maybe you'll get through at a certain time.

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2003

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