AFAM Quick Change Carrier : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Can anyone comment on their experience with the AFAM quick change sprocket carrier. Recommend it or not. Thanks

-- Scott K (, April 02, 2003


AFAM recently upgraded their carrier to include the lip that prevents the cush drives from backing out. Also, there no longer a need to use the center bushing from the stock carrier. With the old carrier the bushing had to be pressed out and back into the new carrier.

AFAM is the only manufacturer that makes a steel and aluminum sprocket for the quick change carrier. You can switch from the aluminum to the steel if you want it to last longer.

The installation is pretty start forward. Basically it's now the same as mounting a one-piece sprocket.

Let me know if you have any additional questions. I just installed this setup on my 996 about 2 weeks ago.


-- Larry Primas (, April 03, 2003.

Check out the STM carrier. It is much nicer build quality.

-- martin (, April 12, 2003.

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