fayrel or fayral

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Art Deco Society of Washington : One Thread

I have purchased a bronze sculpture, entitiled The Dancer, by A. Fayrel, I have tried to locate information on this artist, I have found a similar statue, by A. Fayral, they are identical, can you give me any info, on A. Fayrel, and A. Fayral, the piece I have, is signed, and is 28 inches tall, it is a ballerina. Thank You.

-- victor cocchiaro (vanthonyhair@earthlink.net), April 12, 2003


Regret for not having an answer. However, I did purchase the same Dancer as yours. I wish to have the same information that you are looking for.



-- Menashe Shemesh (globeng@mich.com), May 20, 2003.

Hello. The figure you have purchased is signed by Fayral, but was never designed by that artist. The Dancer is a modern figure, that has nothing to do with fayral, who designed figures and lamps circa 1930, which were cast by the Le Verrier foundry in France, predominately in white-metal. Most of these figures have a stylised Classical Greek look. I hope I have been of assistance.

-- www.20thcentury-decorative-arts.co.uk (general-enquiries@20thcentury-decorative-arts.co.uk), July 23, 2003.

i have a 35 inch ballerina scuplture by A. Fayrel. I want to know more about this guy. Also I wonder if his work is being knocked off? How can I tell if the metal is bronze? Thanks for the help.

-- floyd mcarthur (wearableart60@hotmail.com), August 19, 2003.

These are highly reproduced. One of the ways you can tell an old piece from a newer one is the wear in expected places. Anything that is antique or vintage is likely to show signs of wear from being moved around. Also, the newer casts seem to loose in the translation, ie: the legs are typically spindly, the face never quite as lovely.

-- Andrea Kollo (deco-days@sympatico.ca), February 04, 2005.

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