Weiss Kreuz , Angel Sanctuary , and Ayashi no Ceresgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Hi! I would really like to know of any http:/ were I can get any of the following : Weiss Kreuz, Angel Sanctuary, or Ayashi no Ceres eps. I'm trying to get they from Grokster but it is so damn slow!!!!!! I can download from the web in a matter of minutes! So please help! And while I'm at it any one notice that Miaka, Tamahome, and Amiboshi are all in Ayashi no Ceres, Watari from Yami no Matsuei is also there only in female form? And how about Duo'd twin sister in Angel Sanctuary, also there is the girl vampire from Yami no Matsuei in male form in there somewhere? I'm I the only one who noticed this?
-- Anonymous, April 14, 2003
You want a faster way!Then BUY IT!
-- Anonymous, April 14, 2003
That wouldn't be faster for me I live in a small hick town where your a freak if you even know what anime is. So my only other way to get it is E-bay and then it ends up being the downloaded versions burned on cd so fuck off and leave me alone!
-- Anonymous, April 15, 2003
I really recommend you get Kazaa...you could get almost any show on this P2P connection...if that is you already don't have it...plus it's free...
-- Anonymous, May 06, 2003