Win an Inuyasha VCD!! : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Would you like to win an Inuyasha VCD of your choice? Then check out my website. I have started contests so that people can win my Inuyasha VCDs. I have two contests going at the moment. These are the first contests I have held at my site, and if I get enough participation I will try to hold at least one contest every month. Check out my site for details about the contests.My website:
-- Anonymous, April 14, 2003
-- Anonymous, April 15, 2003
fuck you ass hole
-- Anonymous, April 18, 2003
KAZIMAR KLOSSOWSKI if that's even your real name, I don't appriciate that kind of answer, especially when you use my email address. What a coward you are. If you are going to post a message like that, a least have the courage to leave your email so you can get the respones to it. You are such a loser, can't you find anything better to do with your time?
-- Anonymous, April 18, 2003
Yea, that message had no point. Cool site Kirara!
-- Anonymous, April 20, 2003
The contests are still going, only a few more days left to submit an entry. I've also added some new sections to my web site. I have posted a tutorial to tell you how to turn your downloaded AVI files into VCDs. I've also added a streamloader/freeloader list (Sorry only MP3s at the moment).
-- Anonymous, April 26, 2003
I almost forgot. Since the 106th episode of Inuyasha is still in the process of being subbed, I'm downloading some Tenchi GXP episodes (I don't know if I'll like it or not since I haven't watched it yet). I'll be turning them into VCDs as soon as they finish downloading. That is if I ever finish downloading them. ^_^ If I like the series, I'll definantly be making more VCDs of it.
-- Anonymous, April 26, 2003