replacing decal set : LUSENET : Mountain Bike Hash Forum : One Thread

howdy chaps, i've got a (much loved) 97 voodoo wanga and its now due a respray - as the comapny has now gone bust does anybody have any ideas on how to get a new set of decals for it?

-- mat eng (, April 17, 2003



If you wanted to respray your bike, I recommend you try a chap called Taymen, who has a motorbike respray business on Jalan Raja Abdullah in Kampung Baru, KL. His artwork is unbelievable; he can also hand- paint the "decals", and then clearcoat the whole frame. And reasonably priced he is too.

Call me on 019 238 6428 if need more details.

Oh, and I'm assuming that you live in KL. If you're from UK (as your e-mail address suggests), then it's probably easier and cheaper to have custom stickers made at one of those computer-aided sticker shops.

Cheers, Joe

-- Joe Adnan (, April 17, 2003.

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