greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

i read a few of the chobits books, and now i love them! i heard that there are episodes, but i went to a few sites to download and the server was always full. i have winmx, but the files are real big and the queue is long. does anyone have a site that i could get some chobits episodes and not have to wait forever?

-- Anonymous, April 17, 2003



-- Anonymous, April 18, 2003

hey try irc it's kinda confusing ask someone else to learn how to operate it

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2003

www.extum.com/anime is doing chobits right now...i believe that they're on eps. 5 right now, and they update every three or four days or so. hope this helps! ^.^


-- Anonymous, April 21, 2003

I used kazaa to get all of the chobits episodes...

-- Anonymous, April 23, 2003

yeah kazaa is the easiest way for me to find anime and there is only one thing that i don't like on it:IT'S TOO SLOW!!!

-- Anonymous, April 24, 2003

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