searching for Mattie OIivia Lentz b. 8-25-1887 : LUSENET : Genealogy Queries for Stanly County, North Carolina : One Thread

I am searching for any information on any of the following: Eugenia Shankle b. 8/4/1859 d.12/22/1940 married to Luther Augustus Lentz b. 9-9-1854 d. 3-30-1932 with a daughter named Mattie Olivia Lentz b. 8-25-1887 in Stanley county, d. 7-12-1971 in Guilford county. who married Charles Solomon Bennett b. 11/5/1880 in Marlboro county SC, d. 10/23/1958 in Guilford county.

Thanks!! Susan

-- Susan Bennett Edwards (, April 19, 2003

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